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Principles of Naturopathic Medicine
Primum Non Nocere
First Do No Harm
We will always keep your improved health as our goal and make sure each recommendation is made in accordance with this goal
Tolle Causam
Treat the Cause
We do not want to simply mask your pain or other symptoms- we want to discover the cause of these symptoms and work on the root of the issue so you can achieve optimal health.
Doctor as Teacher
Our job is to educate you about your healthcare choices. You will be supported in whichever decision you make, even if we don’t agree with your choice on a personal level.
Tolle Totum
Treat the Whole Person
You are not a symptom. You are not a diagnosis. Everything you experience and feel makes you who you are. We will treat you as a whole person and understand this interconnectedness.
Vis Medicatrix Naturae
Healing Power of Nature
Your body has an innate ability to heal itself. We will use treatments with the least risk of side effects possible to achieve your goals and utilize the many benefits nature has to offer.
Prevention is the Best Medicine
We understand that prevention is the best medicine and will work to help stop issues before they begin through diet, lifestyle habits, and overall wellness programs.
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